Even for types of normal dick size, such titles arouse sincere interest: "Well, is it possible? Well, I don't need much, but still. . . Needless to say, men who suffer from penile dysmorphophobia (excessive concern about the size and shape of the penis, for which there is no special reason), perceive each such article as a gift from God and immediately look angrily at the text?
And they say that only women create problems for themselves from scratch! According to statistics, the average (length of the penis in an erection) is 5, 16 inches (13, 11 cm). Almost 90% of men have a size that fits exactly in the normal range - from 4 to 6 inches (10, 16 - 15, 24 cm).
In a survey of 52, 031 heterosexual men and women, researchers reported that 85% of women said they were happy with their partner’s penis size, but only 55% of men were satisfied with their penis size.
Are you determined and our arguments did not convince you? Then we present you with a list of the most popular procedures for penis enlargement.
Surgical extension
During this procedure, the patient cuts the suspensory ligament that fixes the penis to the pubic bone. Thus the length of the penis visually increases. "Imagine a suspension bridge with trimmed pillars - that's how it works. But in fact, I really do not recommend that you resort to this operation. Your erect penis will never be the same again, "warns Seth.

Surgical increase in thickness
Some doctors offer a procedure in which the patient's own fat or special substance is injected into the penis. This is sterilized tissue collected from the donor's skin. It wraps under the skin of the penis (like a seaweed dry wrap), which increases the volume of the organs.
By the way, initially such material is not intended for such manipulations. This substance is used to treat burns and in reconstructive surgery, not to enlarge the male genital organ. Complications such as infection and skin necrosis have been reported in the medical literature.
To increase the thickness of the penis, some doctors give patients injections similar to those used for lip augmentation, eyebrow raising and smile line correction. "I haven't done such procedures, but I've seen it several times. It all depends on the substance used for the injection. It's better to choose proven ones, which are often used as fillers for cheeks, chin and other body parts. They usually retain their effect for half a year. "explains Cohen.

"The penis is a vascular organ full of smooth muscle. You may end up with something bumpy, bumpy and smudged - not at all what you hoped for, " warns Seth.
Permanent implants inserted under the skin have been available for decades. They have previously been used to treat patients with severe erectile dysfunction. But in 2004, they were approved for cosmetic penis enhancement. The study, published in the journal, studied 400 men who were given the opportunity to try out implants. What did the respondents get? The average figures are as follows - the thickness of the member increased by 56, 7%. Quite a good result. And two years later, 81% of men said they were "high" and "very high" in their new sex lives.
But, despite that, urologists who would approve such an intervention can be counted on their fingers. "Penile implants are intended for men with erectile dysfunction that more conservative treatments cannot tolerate, " says a urologist. Landon also warns that such operations are very risky. There is a high chance of getting a complication. "The vast majority of sexual medicine experts do not recommend the use of fillers for this purpose, " warns Trost.

Extension cables
The extension cable is attached to the member (not in an erect state). You have to walk with him for a long time - usually a few hours a day. This can really help, but the result will have to wait a few months. "Almost everything in our body can stretch, including the penis. People have been doing this for hundreds, if not thousands of years, " says Trost. The extension is designed to help men with Peyronie’s disease, a disease in which the penis becomes unnaturally curved.
There is a lot of information on the Internet about yelking and special stretching exercises - when they are performed, the flabby penis is stretched and massaged with the fingers or a special device. But the result obtained is not permanent, and such manipulations carry considerable risk. "I've had a lot of patients come to me after yelking, barely holding back tears. The usual effects are numbness of the penis, torn or overstretched arteries and veins, and erectile dysfunction, " warns Cohen. Impressive list, right? Cohen also adds that some of the "side effects" of jelqing are simply irreversible.

Vacuum pumps work like a pump - they cause a rush of blood to the penis. But the effect is short-lived.
The study, published in the journal, involved 37 men. They used vacuum pumps for 20 minutes three times a week for six months. What were the results? It is absolutely not impressive - the length of the penis increases slightly, and the subjects themselves were not very satisfied with the experiment.
Don’t believe everything you see on the internet. As tempting as the ad is, as much as men and their girls are happy with bright banners promoting any drug, use common sense. No miracle pill can enlarge your penis - science says that. "There are no supplements that can increase the size of your penis, " says Cohen.

Weight loss
A very simple way to visually increase the size of your penis. This is especially true for overweight men - fat in the pubic area can protrude above the penis, visually making it smaller. Due to particularly severe cases, the term "buried penis syndrome" has even appeared.
Being overweight can seriously poison your life. Talk to your healthcare provider to discuss whether weight loss, dietary adjustments, and increased exercise can solve your sexual problems. Often the above methods really have a positive effect and help to cope with the problem of erectile dysfunction.
The easiest way to visually enlarge your penis is an intimate haircut. If you cut the hair at the base of the penis, its length will increase visually. The main thing is to be careful. The market is full of a wide range of razors - guards and extensions will help you achieve the best result and avoid cuts in this extremely sensitive area.

Penile dysmorphophobia
This industry continues to grow. Largely thanks to pornography and pop culture, men are becoming literally obsessed. They develop unrealistic expectations about what a penis should look like.
Psychologists call it "small penis anxiety" or "penile dysmorphism disorder (PDD)" - it is an irrationally unwavering belief that penis size is not satisfactory. "That's what's stuck in our heads. You watch porn, and all the actors there have such massive penises. But don't forget that they often use different tricks and artificially achieve an erection. Don't believe everything you see on screen, " Cohen concludes.
So what do we end up with? Let me rephrase the famous saying: "It is better to suck in the hands than to go to the urologist with tears in the eyes".
How to thicken your penis yourself?

- Exercise for penis thickness
- Penis thickening method
- Thickening of the penis with a vacuum pump
Penis size is a hot topic at all times. And most often, men are dissatisfied with the thickness of the organ, and not with its length. So the question is how to thicken the penis? The easiest way is to exercise to thicken the organs. They are performed at home, they do not require financial investments.
A long but thin penis is a serious problem. Numerous studies show that women are more concerned about organ circumference than length. Indeed, during sexual intercourse, the fat phallus provides the necessary feeling of fullness or satisfaction.
You can increase the amount of masculinity surgically. The manipulation is called lipofilling. During the procedure, gel or the patient's own ointment is injected into the penis, which enables the achievement of the required thickness of the organ.
Exercise for penis thickness
So how do you thicken your penis? The method that guarantees 100% is the result of surgery. In the process of manipulation, the doctor injects his own fat or a specialized substance into the tissues of the penis, as a result of which he gains more volume. The advantage of the method is the fast effect.
But the intervention has certain disadvantages that overlap with the advantages. The development of complications is not excluded - the penis grows unevenly, for example, at the base it is much thicker than on the head. In addition, the result is not stable - according to men, it lasts 12 months, after the fat is absorbed, the thickness returns to its previous size.

At home you can resort to special exercises. Before training, the penis warms up - this allows you to increase blood flow, give elasticity to soft tissues. To thicken the penis, men recommend hitting the inside of the thighs. Execution process: a man sitting on a chair, legs apart. Grasp the base of the penis with one hand and hit the thigh with short strokes - 15-20 times is enough.
After you need to change hands, repeat. Slaps on the hips should be palpable, the presence of discomfort is normal. If it hurts, try hitting the mesh. Perform 15-20 times 2 times a day. This exercise complements all other augmentation methods. Because training alone doesn't help.
So how do you thicken your penis at home? NUPs recommend pushing organs:
- Sit on a chair, spread your legs;
- Get an erection with the usual movements - by about 80-85%;
- Grasp the trunk of the organ with both hands so that the thumbs are at the top and the other fingers at the bottom of the trunk;
- Starting from the base itself, it is necessary to push the penis. They move slowly, trying to work out not only the skin, but also "inside" the phallus;
- The load is chosen individually, but there will be no effect of light moves;
- You need to "walk" on the penis 20 times, then massage the penis, repeat - 20 more approaches;
- After exercising, wrap your penis in a hot towel.
The training program looks like this: work every other day for the first two weeks, every day the next time.
If your penis hurts the day after class, take a break or reduce the load during exercise.
Penis thickening method

There are many answers to the question of how to thicken the penis. Men who deal with penis enlargement have convinced from their own experience that increasing the width is a more difficult task, because it is easier to prolong the phallus. This is a true statement, so you will have to work hard to achieve the desired effect.
Rope-like exercise helps a lot. Its essence is simple: the beginner takes a comfortable position, after which he grasps the base of the penis with one hand, and grabs the head of the phallus with the other. Holding the base firmly, you need to start "twisting" the head according to the rope principle. This movement is performed on the penis at rest.
They twist until the man feels pain. With severe discomfort, you need to stop, fixate in this position for 1-2 minutes. Perform the exercise every day for 3-5 months. You can then move on to upgraded training. It is performed on the penis with an erection of 60-85%.
Characteristics of the lesson:
- With your right hand, take the heated organ, with the other hand, grab the head of manhood.
- Start turning counterclockwise.
- When pain occurs, stop. Then fix in this position.
- Then you need to work out the cavernous bodies. To do this, the fist of the right hand is wrapped around the twisted penis and they start pumping it - like a pear. Repeat 20-25 times.
- If done correctly, the head of the organ will begin to bleed.
You can supplement this exercise by stretching the penis - it is necessary to pull with the hand holding the head. This movement allows you to stretch the supporting ligaments, which increases the length.
Training is dangerous. Insufficient warming of the penis or irregular movements can lead to rupture of the frenulum, severe pain (remains 2-4 days), inflammation of the urethra, microcracks on the skin and head.
Thickening of the penis with a vacuum pump

The vacuum pump works on the same principle as penis exercises. But reviews say it works more efficiently. The fact is that it is not always possible to create the necessary load on the hands, which will be uniform throughout the training.
Advantages of pumping: increase in the thickness of the penis, ease of use, immediate effect, but temporary - literally for a few hours. A vacuum device is also used to treat erectile dysfunction. The device allows you to achieve fast and quality erections in men. The kit comes with an erectile ring that is put on after use. It allows you to block the blood in the penis, which maintains a long erection.
Vacuum pumps are water and air. The first option are more expensive models, used in the bathroom, the pressure on the penis is fluid. Air pumps consist of a flask and a pump. During the operation, it is necessary to pump air, which causes a rush of blood into the penis.
The pump must not be used in the following situations:
- Inflammatory pathologies affecting the head and / or foreskin;
- Kidney / liver failure;
- blood clotting problems;
- diabetes;
- Violation of the integrity of the skin of the penis.
A single use of the pump helps to enlarge the penis, but soon the size of the penis will return to its original parameters. To achieve a lasting result, you need to train for at least three months. The training program is compiled individually. Example of a program for men:
- The first week. Daily lessons lasting 5-7 minutes 5 days, 2 days rest.
- Another week. Daily workouts of 10 minutes, 1 day of rest.
- Third week. Use the pump twice a day for 10 minutes, rest - 2 days.
- Fourth week. Pumping for 5 minutes three times a day, a day off.
- Fifth week. Exercise 10 minutes 3 times a day throughout the week.
- Sixth week. Exercise for 15 minutes 3 times a day, rest day.
- Seventh week. Exercise for 20 days twice a day, a day off.
After the seventh week you can create your own individual schedule. Some men prefer to train once, but 20-25 minutes, others break the training time into short series - twice for 10 minutes or 4 times for 5 minutes.
How to increase the thickness of the penis at home and surgical methods

The length of the penis is not of special importance for satisfying a woman, because the nerve endings are concentrated mainly in the first third of the vagina (2-4 cm from the entrance).For their effective stimulation, the diameter of the penis must be such that it creates a feeling of fullness. For some men, this is not enough for normal sexual intercourse (a woman simply does not feel anything), which seriously affects the personal lives of both partners. There are several options for getting a thicker penis, from home methods to plastic surgery.
What determines the thickness of the penis
The thickness of the penis depends on the volume of the spongy and cavernous (cavernous) bodies, ie on the size of their vascular cavities, as well as on the surface and elasticity of the albuginea (tunic).

If the corpora cavernosa are thin and the membrane surrounding them is inelastic, then even with strong sexual arousal and a secure erection, the penis will be thin. The degree of blood supply to these bodies is also important for the width of the penis. If a man suffers from arterial insufficiency (blood flows poorly to the penis) or venous leakage (blood is not retained in the penis during erection), then the volume of the phallus will not reach its maximum. EssentialDeformities of the albuginea and corpora cavernosa (Peyronie's disease, cavernous fibrosis) are also a nuisance.In such cases, surgical intervention is necessary.
How to measure penis thickness and what are the norms
For most Europeans, the circumference of the erect penis (average thickness) is 12 cm. The optimal thickness of the penis, according to information from women's forums, is 13-14 cm around the circumference (the diameter of the vagina is different for everyone). To measure the circumference, you can simply wrap a centimeter tape around the organ. To calculate the diameter, it is necessary to divide the resulting value by 3, 14. The average diameter is 3-4 cm.

How to increase the thickness of the penis by surgical methods
Penis enlargement by surgical methods involves the use of both artificial and the patient's own tissues. Although these are not large, but serious surgeries that require special skills from the surgeon.
Autotransplantation of muscle lobes
The thickness of the penis can be increased by using muscle flaps taken from the patient's abdomen or chest, along with the veins that feed them. The last option is more desirable, because the seam will be under the armpit, press loads are acceptable.
An incision is made in the groin area, the veins with which the vascular legs of the transferred muscle tissue will connect are isolated. The skin is then removed from the penis, revealing a protein membrane, and the donor muscle is fixed to it (the penis is wrapped around it). The veins are connected with microsurgical instruments, the skin of the penis is sewn into place.
As a result, the thickness of the penis will increase by 5-6 cm, and the length by 2 cm.Within 5-7 days the patient must adhere to bed. The hospital stay is 10 days. You can have sex after 2 months at the latest. The scars are barely noticeable, the erection improves significantly.
Complications in the form of supply vessel thrombosis are possible during breast muscle transplantation. If a muscle fold from the abdomen is used, then this is ruled out, as it simply rotates down without compromising the integrity of the blood vessels.
Adipose tissue autotransplantation
For thickening of the penis, skin-fat valves 12-15 cm long and 5 to 12 cm wide are used, which are taken in the area of the gluteal fold. In this area, the tissues are denser due to constant pressure, so they are less susceptible to resorption after transfer.
After taking the donor material, longitudinal incisions are made on both sides of the penis, the upper layers of the skin are removed and transplants are placed. The operation lasts 2-3 hours.
Penis thickening with gel implants
Penile thickening with the help of gel implants is a relatively new experimental technique that has not been implemented by all, even the most advanced clinics. Implants are balloons that fill under the skin of the penis through incisions on its sides.
The sensitivity of the organs is completely preserved, the length does not decrease during the erection. The operation lasts half an hour. A day later the patient is discharged. You can have sex in a month.

After approximately 7 years, the implants need to be replaced, because the macrophage cells gradually eat away at their shell. Lifetime implants do not yet exist.
Penile thickening with collagen matrix
This is an experimental technique that has not yet been released into production. The matrix itself was invented in Korea (Professor Kim Jin-Hong) for the reconstruction of the bladder wall. The method of thickening the penis with his help was developed by Professor Sava Perović.
The conclusion is as follows: a culture of germ cells (fibroplasts) is isolated from the patient's blood, then a matrix is prepared on their basis, which is distributed over the entire area of the penis (under the skin through a circular incision under the head). The cells begin to multiply, the base (carrier of the biopolymer) beneath them dissolves, the volume of the tissue increases, increasing the diameter of the penis by 8 mm.
Thickening of the foreskin
The essence of the operation: the foreskin is removed for 4-6 months using a special device (if its own is not long enough), then its upper layer is removed under optical magnification and straightened along the axis of the penis. The whole process (under local anesthesia) takes 30-40 minutes. No swelling and no pain. It is better to have sex not earlier than after 8 weeks.
Minimally invasive techniques
Minimally invasive techniques give a temporary result, but they are relatively cheap and safe. Manipulations are performed through microincisions or punctures.
Lipofilling is an increase in the volume of the penis by injecting the patient's own fat under the skin, which is taken with a syringe with a cannula needle from the donor area (usually the lower abdomen and thighs). The material is fat cells (lipocytes) with a small amount of blood. After the treatment, pure fat was obtained, which is evenly distributed with micro-punctures along the entire axis of the penis, then a sterile bandage is placed.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about an hour.After lipofilling, the diameter of the penis increases by 0, 5-1, 5 cm.If the result is not satisfactory, another intervention is possible after 2-3 months.
The patient will spend 1-2 days in the hospital. Pain and discomfort are absent. There are no signs of intervention on the penis. After a few days you can already go to work. The period of full recovery lasts about a month, during which you can not have sex, masturbate, lift weights, overheat.
The main advantages of lipofilling:there will be no allergies and rejections of the introduced material. Of the minuses:the fat is sometimes completely absorbed after 1-2 years (resorption occurs), but most usually takes root and stays forever. It is difficult to predict long-term results in advance.
Possible complications (rarely develop): uneven fat resorption, inflammation of the penis tissue due to reduced local immunity.
Hyaluronic acid injections
The procedure of penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid lasts about half an hour and does not require general anesthesia. The drug is applied with a needle-cannula through a puncture at the base of the penis, and then distributed along the entire length.The thickness will increase by 1-1, 5 cm. You can have sex after 2 weeks (you should not have sex before, because the gel may clot).

With the help of hyaluronic acid, it is possible to achieve thickening of the glans penis, however, it should be noted that at the same time its sensitivity will be blunted (the gel will serve as a seal between the skin and the penis). receptors). Learn more about head augmentation methods.
Hyaluronic acid tends to break down into water and carbon dioxide, so after about 6-12 months the effect of the procedure will disappear.